
Thursday, March 29, 2012


  This recipe comes from My Bestest Friend and Blackberry Picker's Aunt Mc.  It's a seedless cobbler that can be made from any kind of fruit juice.  (Blackberry is pictured here.)

Aunt Mc's Seedless Blackberry Cobbler

1 qt. unsweetened juice (any)

Mix 1 c. sugar, 1/4  cornstarch and 1 c. juice in bowl.
Boil rest of juice (3 c.).
Stir in the sugar/juice/starch mixture.
Stirring constantly, cook until filling coats spoon.
Pour into a 9x13 dish.
Roll out biscuit dough & lay on top.
Put 1/2 stick butter on top of crust in patties.
Bake at 450 degrees F 8 minutes until crust is brown.

The biscuit recipe My Bestest Friend and Blackberry Picker taught us how to make is on an earlier blog.

Note: Choose naturally grown or organic ingredients for maximum nutrition.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Catherine Marshall, Something More

"Our God is the Divine alchemist. He can take junk from the rubbish heap of life, and melting this base refuse in the pure fire of His love, hand us back- gold."

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jar Lid Plant Markers

  This is a great way to use previously used canning jar lids and is a quick project that adds a lot of interest in the home garden.


Used canning jar lids
Sharpie permanent marker
Heavy gauge wire, about 18 inches (Wire clothes hangers work well for this.)
Nail set (or nail for punching hole)

Place the pliers at the tip of the wire and bend around.
Take the pliers and place them at the back of the half loop that was formed and bend around again.
Place a small block of wood on a flat surface and place the lid on top.
Use the hammer and nail set or nail and punch a small hole near the top of the canning jar lid. (Smooth out any crimped metal on the back of the lid with the hammer.)
Write the name of your plant with the Sharpie marker.
Hang the lid on the wire and enjoy.

An additional hole can be punched near the bottom of the lid and a small bead can be hung at the bottom for added interest.

These little plant markers work great in the garden and have a nice little tinkling sound while swaying in the breeze.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How Do You Get From Wine And Roses To Guns And Roses?

  It's really pretty easy. Just stop giving the other person what they need.

  If I decide to visit a foreign country and expect to have a pleasurable visit I need to know the language that is spoken in order to communicate and get along with the residents there.

  In the case of of a woman, the man learns to speak her language of love-and that means she needs to know she is loved every single day of the year, not for just a weekend now and then-but everyday.  For the man, it's submission to his leadership, showing him respect and loving him.

  No one becomes fluent in a foreign language in a day or even a year. It takes a lifetime. If you do it and speak it:   "Every day is like a Saturday".

  Oh yeah, and make sure when you are planning your trip-make sure its really where you want to be.