
Monday, May 28, 2012

Dear Folks, Do Not Send Candy, May 1957, 38th Parallel, South Korea, Love, Robert

Dear Folks,
  Well this week has been
a funny one. Monday we
went to the field. We had
to walk out (10 miles). We built up
our gun positions . That
night I had to come back
and walk guard duty. That
is what is tonight. You either
have a 12 or 24 hour post.
These Koreans will steal anything
that you have got. The nights
are very funny. You begin
to realize how mysterious
the orient is. At first I didn't
think much of Korea, but now
it is better than I thought it would
be. Of course it is nothing
like paradise but after 16
months I will probably hate
this place.
 We went into
the field and stayed a week
it wasn't to bad. We came
back Saturday (walked) and
I had to pull guard that
night, but the greatest
surprise I got was Sam
called me Sun. Morning
and came down to see
me. He couldn't stay long
I was on guard duty but
it was great. Right now
I wish you could be here.
It is something else. We walk
guard with a loaded rifle and
our orders are to shoot to
kill, which is very possible.
  I think when I come back
I will be different, but not
to much. I won't do any
hard labor, wake up at 4 o'clock
or anything like that but
I will appreciate life more.
The only thing that I regret
is that I didn't go into
the army at an earlier age, I
can't explain it to you, you
would have to be in the army.
  I know that these two years
may be wasted as far as
I am concerned but I feel
sort of proud that my
obligation to my country was
spent in the infantry in Korea
with the only division in battle
line position.
  Do not sent candy, but
please send the newspapers.


(C Note: Sam was Uncle Robert's 1st Cousin and he was in the Air Force.)

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