Fort Jackson
South Carolina
Dear Folks,
Well it is the end of another week and everything is just fine and cold.
We are going out next week to the rifle range and stay all week.
We fired it one day last week and
that thing sure is a powerful weapon.
It's about like shooting a shotgun.
This week has been mighty cold. Monday
was the worst day. It was cold and
rainy. We stayed out all day
getting down into different rifle
positions and aiming them. The
rain formed icicles on my rifle.
Icicles hung off the barracks and
that's the first time I seen
them in a long time. I am
probably in the best condition I
have ever been in. Friday night
we went out on a night problem.
We didn't get back till about
10:30. We crawled under barbwire
walked over it and some tried to
fly over it. They exploded bombs
all during the night and fired a
machine gun which was
loaded with blanks. There is
hardly no time to write when
you come in because we have
to clean our rifles which is
full of South Carolina sand
and everything. Don't worry I
am looking after myself and
I hope to be out of the army
Mar 28, 1958 in good health.
I hope Earl takes care of
his car and tell him no matter
how much trouble he gets in there is
no bigger trouble than being in
the service. Take care of yourselves.
P.S. I am sending the letter from the University back, Send
the 5 dollars. I have not written
any checks yet.
Note: Earl was Uncle Robert's cousin and the University is The University of Alabama.
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