
Monday, August 19, 2013

Stop The Waste/Recycle

  I took My Bestest Friend And Blackberry Picker dumpster diving this Summer and then I had to repent of it later. We were scouting what we call the "hell" road for blackberries this Summer and came upon a dumpster teeming with items that could be recycled, and went to work. We pulled out all we could without actually crawling into the dumpster itself. I felt a little let down after she dropped me off at my house. My Bestest Friend And Blackberry Picker had a dignified job and didn't need to be seen crawling around in a dumpster but that's what Bestest Friends do- they help friends crawl around in dumpsters.

  We have mandatory sanitation service here in this county. I wave at the truck as it passes by my house on Tuesdays if I'm out in the yard and I write them a check every 3 months because they are going to send me a bill but I don't care.

  I've decided I can't do anything about all the dumpsters in the world.

  The only dumpster that I have any control my own.   Thanks Suze.



Dear Folks, Brother It Gets Cold, June 14, 1958, 38th Parallel South Korea, Love, Robert

                                         14 June 58
Dear Folks,
  Haven't had to much
time to write. I got the
money orders and the
ten dollar bill. I don't
know exactly when I
will go on R & R but
I am going. This week
I went up across the
river, that means going
close to the border. There
is nothing up there. No
Koreans can live there just
a couple of Army units
and the DMZ police. Me
and this Sargent we
are forward observers, we
went up on one of the
observation post. I could
see the North Korean
communist. They were
building concrete bunkers
at the bottom of the
OP was the taped line
showing no mans
land, no one past
the tape except authorized
personnel and you had
damn better be sure
you are authorized. At
night time you can
hear the communist
artillery firing. Well
enough of the war stories.
  I sent the package this
week. I hope you
receive it. Not much
time left, 64 days left
before I leave Mortar
Battery. So Stanley
Smith might come over.
It is not to bad for
the Air Force though
they don't have to
live like the Army.
He is coming over in
January and I know
he ain't going to like
the cold weather and
brother it gets cold.
Well I'll close for now.

         Love, Robert

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dear Folks, I Can Send A Reel Home And See What Good It Is, June 1, 1958, 38th Parallel South Korea

                                     1 June 58
                                      24 years

Dear Folks,
  I got the two money
orders and I am pretty
sure I will go to
Japan this month. Today
I bought a 8 mm camera
which I should have
bought a long time ago.
It cost $30.00 maybe.
I can send a reel home
and see what good it is.
  Well today is my
birthday. I was on
guard last night and
6 hours today, but I
could care less 77 days
left. There has been a
lot of things I have seen
and done, I just guess
that the army has
given me a experience
which I never could
have gotten otherwise.
  Well I wrote you
about turning down
the track team, but
I also found out that
I stood a good chance
of going to the Asian
games. I haven't yet
mailed the package yet
that I told you, but I
am this week. It probably
will be by boat. How
is Earl getting along in
his married life. Well
I'll close for now I
am pretty tired.
                       Love, Robert